Double Bass
Sela Can Dökmeci, born in Ankara in 1988, began his professional music education in the Double Bass Department at Trakya University’s State Conservatory in the 2005-2006 academic year, studying under Prof. Aminbay Sapayev. At the end of this period, he participated in “Master Class” studies with Prof. Tahir Sümer, a faculty member at İzmir Dokuz Eylül State Conservatory. In 2006, he joined the Trakya University Balkan Symphony Orchestra and has since performed in numerous concerts both domestically and internationally. That same year, he qualified to join the Young Philharmonie Orchestra, part of a European Union project in Germany involving musicians from five different countries, and performed concerts in Germany and Switzerland with this orchestra.
During the 2008-2009 academic year, Dökmeci applied to the domestic student exchange program and was accepted into Ankara Hacettepe State Conservatory. There, he studied double bass with Prof. Alper Müfettişoğlu and Prof. Burak Karaağaç, orchestra with Prof. Erol Erdinç, and chamber music with Selim Öğüt, the viola group leader of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra. He performed as the double bass group leader with the Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra and Hacettepe Chamber Orchestra. In 2009, he graduated from the Double Bass Department of Trakya University State Conservatory.
In the 2009-2010 academic year, Dökmeci was accepted into the Master’s Program in the Music Department of the Social Sciences Institute at Trakya University. Simultaneously, he began working as a Contract Lecturer in the Music Education Department at Trakya University’s Faculty of Education, teaching double bass. In the 2010-2011 academic year, he won the contract lecturer recruitment exam opened by Trakya University State Conservatory and continued to teach double bass there. He graduated from the Master’s Program in 2012. In 2013, he was accepted into the Proficiency in Art program in the Music Department of the Social Sciences Institute at Trakya University. In 2014, he started working as a Lecturer at Trakya University State Conservatory and successfully completed the Proficiency in Art program in 2018.
In 2019, Dökmeci was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Double Bass Department at Trakya University State Conservatory. In 2023, following the evaluation by the Interuniversity Board, he earned the title of Associate Professor in the field of Music. Sela Can Dökmeci continues to serve as a faculty member at Trakya University State Conservatory while also performing as an orchestra member with the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, Bursa Regional State Symphony Orchestra, Cemal Reşit Rey Symphony Orchestra, Istanbul Chamber Orchestra, Milli Reasürans Chamber Orchestra, Aromsa Young Chamber Orchestra, and Trakya University Balkan Symphony Orchestra.